Senin, 20 Juli 2015

Air N Go Easy

AIR-N-GO® easy

Aplikasi klinis
Cukup Mudah
Generasi baru Pemoles udara portabel, AIR-N-Go® mudah dengan fungsi ganda:
• "fungsi SUPRA" untuk supra-gingiva polishing: polishing profilaksis harian.
• "fungsi Perio" untuk sub-gingiva polishing: pemeliharaan, dan perawatan periodontal peri-implan.
AIR-N-Go® mudah menggabungkan fungsi penting dengan keandalan untuk memfasilitasi kehidupan sehari-hari Anda:
• Cepat start-up: koneksi langsung ke konektor handpiece kecepatan tinggi.
• kebebasan lebih besar dari gerakan: 360 ° rotasi, cepat, pengobatan yang akurat dari daerah yang membutuhkan perawatan.
• membersihkan mudah dari handpiece: bagian utama dapat dibongkar.
Empat nozel untuk kontrol aktif dari kemajuan penyakit periodontal. Hanya mengubah nozzle, tidak handpiece.
Tergantung pada kebutuhan klinis Anda, pilih:
• Sodium bikarbonat berbasis "CLASSIC" bubuk
• berbasis karbonat kalsium "PEARL" bubuk
• berbasis Glycine "Perio" bubuk.

Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Miniled Supercharge "Lightcure"


Mini LED Supercharged Satelec,
wavelength 420-480nm,
power lightguide intensitas 2000mW/cm2.
 utk kedalaman 1-2mm bisa dgn 3detik. 
Utk kedalaman 2-4mm disarankan utk layer by layer per 1mm 3detik atau ramping mode (dr kecil sampai detik besar 10detik) utk menghasilkan pengerasan yg optimal. 

Batre litium 2300mAh dgn otomatis charger.

Utk lightcuring ortho bracket plastik 3detik per side, metal braket 5detik per side.

 Call for more detail and ramadhan promo PT Dentino.

Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136

(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Senin, 22 Juni 2015


P5 Newtron XS

•      Merupakan Piezo Ultrasonic.
•      Menggunakan sistem Color Coding sesuai dengan kegunaan tips.
•      Memiliki sistem Newtron, antara lain:
    - Auto-Tuning → Kecepatan di sesuaikan tips yang di gunakan secara otomatis antara 26-36 kHz
    -.Feed Back Effect →Torgue (kekuatan) di sesuaikan secara otomatis tanpa menekan handpiece
    - Push-Pull System   → Pengaturan secara tepat dalam penggunaan tips
•      Bisa menggunakan cairan khusus untuk mematikan kuman anaerob (kuman yang tidak membutuhkan udara)
•      Memiliki 5 fungsi yang berbeda-beda:

  1. Prophylaxis : Scalling                                                 
  2. Endodontics                                                                
  3. Periodontics
  4. Surgical Endodontics
  5. Conservative & Restorative Dentistry


       Merupakan Electrosurgery.
       Berguna untuk memotong jaringan lunak, seperti: gusi, dll.
-. Memotong menggunakan panas
-. Tanpa rasa sakit
-. Memiliki sifat hemostatic( memotong sambil memberhentikan darah)
-. Bisa juga mematikan kuman di root canal.
       Electrode di buat sesuai dengan kebutuhan tindakan dokter.

       Merupakan Piezo Ultrasonic.
       Cocok untuk masalah:
-. Periodontics : Bone Absorbtion (penurunan tulang).
-. Bone Graft: penempatan tulang di daerah lain ke daerah gigi yang kosong/membutuhkan tulang
-. Sinus Lift: pengangkatan membran sinus untuk pemasangan implant.
·         Memiliki sistem Newtron, antara lain:
-. Auto-Tuning        →  Kecepatan di sesuaikan tips yang di gunakan secara otomatis antara 26-36 kHz.
-. Feed Back Effect →  Torgue (kekuatan) di sesuai kan secara otomatis tanpa menekan handpiece.
-. Push-Pull System →  Pengaturan secara tepat dalam penggunaan tips.
·         Tidak akan merusak urat saraf / mukosa / membran sinus.


       Berfungsi untuk menghilangkan plaque dan stain.
       Menggunakan tekanan udara dan powder/bubuk yang sangat halus, serta bisa mencapai sampai celah2 terkecilpun.
       Merupakan independent device yang di mana tidak bergantung terhadap dental unit karena bersifat table top.
       Menggunakan bubuk yang khusus terbentuk dari partikel2 yang berbentuk bulat sehingga tidak mengakibatkan perih dan pendarahan pada pasien saat treatment / Non-Aggresive.
       Bahan dasar powder adalah Sodium Bicarbonate.


       Merupakan X-Ray Dual Film type ( bisa film conventional maupun film digital).
       Merupakan X-Ray Perapical ( jangkauan 1 atau 2 gigi)
       Memiliki konfigurasi tombol yang lengkap untuk semua jenis film, posisi gigi, contrast dan background.
       Tube hand terbuat dari TOSHIBA.

       Terdiri dari 2 jenis cone: 8” dan 12”, serta memiliki timbal hitam.

Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

Daftar Produk

Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Pano D+

The images of the X-MIND PANO D + and D + PANO CEPH facilitate the review and immediate diagnosis through complete dental imaging software for WINDOWS DIGORA, which also provides a wide range of tools and features.

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Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136

(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Meto Baby

Metoo Baby includes 14 blue LED lights to enhance the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide, such as the contents in metoo Light or metoo Mix.
- See more at:

Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136

(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Metoo Deluxe

Because everyone has the right to smile, Acteon create metoo
Find metoo, various completely new professional whitening products, comprehensive and broad to cover all the needs of your patients!
Metoo provides a fast strategy, effective and gentle treatment for chairside and to take home whitening to give your patients the smile they deserve.
Strong whitening lamp, complete whitening kit, retractors innovative use with integrated suction system, new discolored teeth dam: everything is clearly presented and easy to use to make your job simpler and your patients happy.
Metoo DeLuxe Lamp is an innovative whitening lamp which provides double the activation of hydrogen peroxide:
Photoactivation by blue light: 450-480 nm
THERMOACTIVATION with infrared rays 835-865 nm
Both radiation increases the dissociation of hydrogen peroxide into free radicals that would oxidize the chromophore in the teeth to remove stains.
Metoo DeLuxe lamp has 3 programs that can be selected according to the needs of patients and sensitivity:
FULL POWER: light blue 100% + 100% IR
MEDIUM: light blue 50% + 50% IR
COLD: light blue 100%, no IR
You can set the program during treatment if necessary.
Metoo DeLuxe lamp also includes an LCD screen and a pause button.
- See more at:
Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)


Using RISKONTROL air/water syringe tips protects practitioners and their patients against risks of direct or cross-contamination. Furthermore, the risk of microbial migration into the dental unit’s air and water lines is eliminated.
Infection control
Disposable and flexible tips for the multi-function syringe.
While keeping their unique advantages, RISKONTROL tips have been improved:
New design
- improved grip: easy set up and removal
- more flexible tips and very easy to bend
New connection system (Perfect system)
- “Perfect System” guide for simple and rapid installation and removal of the Riskontrol tip
- perfect circulation of air and water
- no risk of accidental ejection of the tip
New packaging
For more information, contact your dealer.
201 701 RISKONTROL non-sterile tips - Mandarin (box of 250 orange tips)
201 702 RISKONTROL non-sterile tips - Liquorice (box of 250 grey tips)
201 703 RISKONTROL non-sterile tips - Aniseed (box of 250 green tips)
201 704 RISKONTROL non-sterile tips - Cassis (box of 250 mauve tips)
201 700 RISKONTROL non-sterile tips - Mint (box of 250 white tips)
Class I medical devices
Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Piezotome Solo

Simply indispensable!
Piezotome Solo™, the best of SATELEC® technology in a compact and accessible generator. It integrates the most powerful, reliable and safe components for a use dedicated to ultrasonic pre-implant surgery
* Piezotome Solo Led™ version available (includes Led handpiece + cord)
• The essential
Reliable, powerful and simple, the Piezotome Solo™ offers essential features!
• A complete offer
The Piezotome Solo™ is delivered with a complete set of indispensable accessories for an immediate use:
- 1 powerful Piezotome Solo™ unit
- 1 boosted ultrasonic handpiece (6 ceramics)
- 1 footwitch with arch
- 1 « Essential » kit with its dynamometric wrench
With the “Essential” kit including 6 tips, 5 surgeries can be performed:
BS1 Slim F87525 Osteotomy and Piezocision (surgical orthodontics)
BS4 F87504 Osteoplasty
LC2 F87542 Extraction
SL1 F87511 SL2 F87512 SL3 F87513 Sinus Lift
• Unlimited clinical opportunities ; access to all SATELEC® surgical tips.
More about on
This system is indicated for Dental and Implant surgery procedures only. The use of this system within a Clinical or Medical OperatingROOM setting constitutes Off-Label use.
Supply voltage : 100 VAC – 230 VAC – 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Equipment electric classification : Class I, BF type
Classification according to 93/42/EEC Directive : Class IIa
Ultrasonic frequency : Minimum 28 Khz
Dimensions (W x H x D and weight) : 378 x 136 x 306 mm ; 3.7 kg
Multi-function footswitch (W x H x D and weight) : 173 x 140 x 176 mm ; 1 kg
Peristaltic pump flow rate : 0 to 120 ml/min
This medical device is manufactured according to current regulations and standards (IEC 60601-1) and according to the EN ISO 13485 (2003) quality control certification system.
Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)


The Air Max™ is a prophylactic device for polishing after scaling, or in periodontal and implant maintenance.
In coagulation mode, lower current efficiency at the surgical site and controlled heat dispersal provide the desired hemostasis with no damage to adjacent tissues.
Classification according to 93/42/EEC Directive : Class IIa
Size : H = 110 mm x W = 250 mm x D = 300 mm
Weight : 2.7 kg
Power supply : 100 to 240 V AC (50/60 Hz)
Fuse protection : dimensions 5 x 20 mm, 0.5 A (230 V) or 1 A (115 V)
Class 1 type BF device
Intermittent duty : 10 mn/5 mn
Power consumption : 70 VA
Insulation : 4 kV (1 ms)
Water pressure at inlet : 1 to 5 bar (14 to 72 PSI)
Air pressure at inlet : 4.5 to 6 bar (65 to 87 PSI)
Air flow rate at inlet : 10 l/mn max
Water flow rate at exit : 0 to 120 ml/mn
Rate of flow of powder : 1 to 3 g/mn
Specifications of powder : white to slightly yellow powder, impalpable, slightly salty taste and mint or lemon flavor.
Powder tank capacity : 50 g
Operating temperature : +10 to +40° ;C/30 to 75% RH
Storage/transport temperature : -40 to + 70° ;C / 10 to 100 %

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Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Xmind Unity

(The images clearly consistent, less time under anesthesia, a low dose of radiation)
Clinical applications
Discover X-Mind unity™, successor of X-Mind DC™, the famous bullet proof intraoral unit made by Satelec, Acteon Group.
With its elegant style coupled to the cutting edge patented ACE technology, X-Mind unity brings the standard of X-ray generator to a very new level.
Perfect accuracy and patient protection are what no other X-ray system has been able to reach so far.
From the Acteon R&D, this intraoral system has an exclusive advantage: the X-Mind unity communicates with the ACE technology present in the sensor SOPIX inside. The latter analyzes in real time the amount of X-ray emission needed to enable perfect exposure of the image as well as patient dose reduction.
The result is always an optimal image and until 50 % of saved radiation according to the patient morphology.
With the smallest focal spot of the field and a constant voltage of 60 kV or 70kV, X-Mind unity provides reproducible results and extremely high defined images.
Your diagnosis is more reliable than ever. The precision given by the combination of X-Mind unity and the digital SOPIX inside provides you with a resolution neighboring the 20 pair of lines.
The high frequency delivered by X-Mind unity makes up for voltage failures. The X-ray tube stocks sufficient energy to offer you an identical result, cliché after cliché, whether you have a film, a digital sensor or phosphorus plaque.
X-mind unity is not only an X-ray generator; it is also a daily work tool improving your comfort and productivity.
With its advanced ergonomic design and intuitive grip, only one hand is needed to move X-Mind unity. Positioning can be done with minimum effort or stress.
The anti-vibration and anti-movement mechanism keeps the unit steady and still, ensuring the clarity of your shots. Just grab, position and shoot!
Finally, X-Mind unity is configurable to fit into any operatory. Whether top mount or bottom mount, different arm lengths offer unparalleled flexibility for how you install your x-ray generator. No need to compromise - install the X-Mind unity exactly as your operatory needs it.
Classification : Class 1 type B
Supply voltage : 100–240 V
Maximum power absorption : 850 VA
X-ray tube : TOSHIBA D-041
Frequency : 50/60 Hz
Focal spot : 0.4 mm
Total filtration >1.5 mm Al @ 70 kV
Leakage radiation < 0,25 mGy / h
Cooling duty cycle for 1 s : 32 s
Technology : High frequency DC
Maximum anode current : 7 mA
X-ray tube voltage : 60/65/70 kV
Maximum exposure time : 2 s
Compatibility : Film, phosphor plate, digital sensor
Weight : 23 kg
Configuration : Wall mounting top and bottom
Timer : Microprocessor controlled
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Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Pure Newtron

Clinical applications
The technological and clinical innovations built into NEWTRON® P5XS will support you in gentle, effective treatments and sustainable use of your tips.
Equipped with B.LED technology, NEWTRON® P5XS makes also possible to simultaneously reveal and treat dental plaque.
More about:
Newtron P5XS
Irrigation : 300 ml tank (500mL in option)
Flow : 5 to 40ml/min
blue ring
white ring
Handpiece weight (g) : 48
Device weight (g) : 2100
Overall dimensions(DxWxH) : 260x185x140
Dental plaque disclosing liquid
F.L.A.G.™ for B.LED
Newtron P5XS B. LED
Irrigation : 300 ml tank (500mL in option)
Flow : 5 to 40ml/min
blue ring
white ring
Handpiece weight (g) : 48
Device weight (g) : 2100
Overall dimensions(DxWxH) : 260x185x140
Dental plaque disclosing liquid
F.L.A.G.™ for B.LED
Bluetooth : remotely sets power and irrigation
Common specifications
Handpiece dimension (mm) : 110, Ø 18
Handpiece cord (m) : 2,04
Single footswitch (dimension, weight) : 70x30x100 mm (150g)
Equipment classification : .Classe I - BF type
Supply voltage : 100-240V AC 50/60Hz
Ultrasonic frequency : 28 kHz - 36 kHz
Class of medical device : II a
(according to 93/42/EEC directive)

Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Sopro 617

Its elegant (curved) design improves your viewing access into the patient’s mouth. The 105° angle of view (a 15 degree increase) differentiates it from other cameras on the market by allowing for better exploration of the distal areas. This optimized angle of view enables perfect visibility into even the hard-to-reach rear areas.
The Masterpiece delivers exceptional image quality. The SOPRO 617 camera is equipped with "fixed focus" - its large depth of field provides you a clear image in any circumstance.
Find out more:
• High sensitivity CCD 1/4”.
• Resolution : (752 x 582) PAL ; (768 x 494) NTSC.
• Sensitivity : 2 lux.
• Lighting : eight LEDs.
• Adjustment : automatic.
• Non-inverted image.
• Image capture through SoproTouch or footswitch (optional).
• Angle of view : 70° ;.
• Cable length : 2.5m.
• Handpiece dimensions : L : 205 ; W : 28 ; H : 24 mm.
• Usable part dimensions : W : 16 x D : 11.10 mm.
• Handpiece weight : 55 g.

Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)


Electrosurgery by Satelec®
Perform oral surgery on soft tissues quickly, precisely and in total safety.

Electrosection, vaporizing the tissue with the active electrode makes it possible to cut quickly
without damaging the edges of the incision

Fulguration, makes it possible to surface coagulate gingival tissue while protecting the
underlying layer

Coagulation. Concentrating energy at the surface of a massive electrode makes it possible to diffuse the heat to the surrounding tissue and produce instantaneous hemostasis

With Servotome you can benefit from electrosurgery in all situations Techniques :

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Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136

(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Sopro 717

Discover Macrovision!
In dentistry, numerous daily activities require magnification glasses or a microscope together with a mirror to observe the areas requiring treatment. The Sopro 717 First allows you to go beyond the limits of human vision while casting off bulky accessories. This is MacroVision.
As a result, you can film a cavity preparation, make a surface state, acquire images of micro-fissures, cervical lesions – while fully appreciating the exceptional image quality of the SOPRO 717 First.
Furthermore the slender distal part provides unique comfort in the patient’s mouth, even where space is tight.
The focusing ring of the SOPRO 717 First allows great depth of field, whichever operating mode you choose (extraoral, intraoral and macro).
This camera fits in perfectly with your dental practice environment and can be perfectly integrated into all dental units.
• High sensitivity CCD 1/4”.
• Resolution : (752 x 582) PAL ; (768 x 494) NTSC.
• Sensitivity : 2 lux.
• Lighting : eight LEDs.
• Adjustment : three preset positions (Extra-oral, Intra-oral, Macro).
• Non-inverted image.
• Image capture through SoproTouch or footswitch (optional).
• Angle of view : 70° ;.
• Cable length : 2.5m.
• Handpiece dimensions : L : 200 ; W : 28 ; H : 24 mm.
• Usable part dimensions : W : 14.25 x d : 8.75 mm.
• Handpiece weight : 78 g.

Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136

(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)


  • The Revelation
    Thanks to autofluorescence and chromatic amplification SOPROCARE reveals caries, as well as new and old dental plaque. In addition, SOPROCARE is the first product on the market to reveal gingival inflammation.
    In Daylight Mode, SOPROCARE can also be used as a camera, providing all of the necessary tools to perform a complete and time efficient oral examination.
    The dental professional can now achieve complete prophylactic treatment with one device.
    Find out more:
    3 modes for 3 needs
    SOPROCARE meets the needs of prophylaxis by performing a complete and rapid assessment of the patient’s oral health. The SOPROCARE versatility is combined in 3 modes:
    • "PERIO" Mode: Highlights the old and new dental plaque and gingival inflammations, even at the early stage.
    • "CARIO" Mode: Detects enamo-dentinal caries, from the stage 1 (code ICDAS II), in a simple way.
    • "DAYLIGHT" Mode: Macro vision makes visible the imperceptible and allows watching the stability of micro lesions and their evolution.
    • High sensitivity CCD 1/4”.
    • Resolution : (752 x 582) PAL ; (768 x 494) NTSC.
    • Definition : 470 lines.
    • Sensitivity : 2 lux.
    • Lighting : seven LEDs.
    • Adjustment : four preset positions (Extra-oral, Intra-oral, CARE, Macro).
    • 3 positions : PERIO mode, CARIO mode and DAYLIGHT mode.
    • Non-inverted image.
    • Image capture through SoproTouch or footswitch (optional).
    • Angle of view : 70° ;.
    • Cable length : 2.5m.
    • Handpiece dimensions : L : 200 ; W : 28 ; H : 24 mm.
    • Usable part dimensions : W : 14.4 x d : 8 mm.
    • Handpiece weight : 78 g.
     Our Contact
    Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
                   (021)  29219136
    (Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

      New PSPIX

      Efficient, simple
      Multi-Function: PSPIX 2 can be quickly scan directly in the treatmentROOM or used in a multi-user version of the cost for up to 10 workstations.
      Image Quality: The PSPIX 2 has a sharp resolution and high-quality. With Sopro Imaging software image can be edited, exported or archived.
      Intuitive operation: This operation is controlled via the color touch screen, the operation itself is fully automatic: Once the insert plate no further steps required.
      Ultimate Health: Plate protected in hygiene bag of light and contamination. Removable magnetic parts can be cleaned in a thermal disinfector.
      Click & Scan
      "Click & Scan" concept PSPIX 2
      (1) If you are using PSPIX 2 in a multi-user version, select the first of the large color touch screen workstation desired.
      (2) Then, the plate is inserted into the SLOT - the rest of the operation is fully automatic!
      (3) scan automatically optimized and displayed on a computer screen after a few seconds (8-10 seconds depending on the size of the film), the direct imaging plate is removed and the output.

      Our Contact
      Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
                     (021)  29219136
      (Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)