Jumat, 19 Juni 2015


Electrosurgery by Satelec®
Perform oral surgery on soft tissues quickly, precisely and in total safety.

Electrosection, vaporizing the tissue with the active electrode makes it possible to cut quickly
without damaging the edges of the incision

Fulguration, makes it possible to surface coagulate gingival tissue while protecting the
underlying layer

Coagulation. Concentrating energy at the surface of a massive electrode makes it possible to diffuse the heat to the surrounding tissue and produce instantaneous hemostasis

With Servotome you can benefit from electrosurgery in all situations Techniques :

Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136

(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

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