Kamis, 18 Juni 2015


No more overexposed x-ray images
sensors possess . This exclusive technology analyzes in real time the amount
of X ray emission required by the sensor. It protects each image from overexposure and ensures that the first shot is always perfect and all your images are clear.
A Patented technology

The is a Sopro exclusive and has been patented.
Image improvement: enhancement processing filters are parametered according to the amount of X ray exposure received by the sensor.
Management of the exposure period: a control witness
allows the dentist to optimize the exposure period.
The design of the SOPIX series sensors is so smart. The corners are rounded to improve patient comfort. White side stripes offer high visibility of the sensor in the darkness of the mouth. They assist the dental professional in correctly positioning the X-ray tube perpendicular to the sensor. Moreover, the working environment now becomes more ergonomic and well-organized through the integration of SOPIX² inside sensor into X- Mind unity intraoral X-ray system. Placed on his holder, the sensor is safe to prevent from falling to the floor and it is always easy to reach for optimal working comfort.
Through SOPRO’s extensive experience in digital sensors, the SOPIX series improve your everyday life by simplifying use and bringing you exceptional image quality.
ACE® technology, patented by SOPRO, is integrated in all SOPIX series sensors. It analyzes in real time the amount of X-rays accumulated by the sensor and It freezes the image acquisition as soon as it received the radiation required to provide a good-quality image. Thus, It protects each image from overexposure.
• Technology : CMOS + scintillator + optic fibre
• Pixel size : 20 μm x 20 μm
• Theoritical resolution : 25 lp/mm
• Connection : USB 2.0
• Supplied imaging software : Sopro Imaging
Our Contact
Alamat : Jl. Ruko Elang Laut Boulevard Blok B2 No.1 PIK. Jakarta Utara
               (021)  29219136
(Senin-Jum’at Jam 8:30 s/d 17:30, Sabtu Jam 8:30 s/d 14:00)

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut Hubungi Pin BB : 7D427FB3

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